[anxiodine's commissions]

Check out my Instagram or Twitter for more recent examples of my art, and DM me there with your request :D
[I don't usually work that fast but you know I will definitely give you the best I can and settle for no less, possible more than you ask if you leave it to me ;) , so I hope the wait would be worth it]

Right so, my work is quite different from most and so are my comms; so let’s go over some general stuff to get you started. (tldr highlighted)First! I’m offering photos of my traditional work (the same way I do posts), and maybe scans when I can. Sent via Twitter or Discord, all in USD through Ko-fi.
Next, I can do character work in headshots, busts, torsos, half bodies, and full bodies. I can do an extra +1-2 characters but I won’t be offering any full pieces and just plain colour/ gradient, shapes, and simple BGs. In order of price is headshots/busts (PFPs, both are the same), torsos (pinups), and half/full bodies are the last.
And lastly, for all of that, I can do them in four different mediums you can choose from: Black and white ink, alcohol marker, coloured ink, and acrylic. Prices for them are increasing in that order. Now for the slightly complicated bit— ink and acrylic will be a set price + a per hour rate. But no worries if you want something in colour because B&W and alcohol marker are both just set price. Cool? Cool.

... so here's some more specifics if you're interested :)

[ Process?
Let's walk you through it! ]

DM me with a quick description of what you want;
What kind, what medium, character(s), and budget if it's in $/h.
Also if it isn't just personal use I won't accept.
(P.S. if you just ask a basic question or a send a pic without any info on specific stuff to my comms I'm just gonna disregard you as a scam, and likely straigtht up block you. So fair warning)Based on that I'll also give an estimate of how long it'll take (it will take longer), say if it might fit or go over budget, and see if you're cool with that.
If I can and want to do it, and if I think it'll fit your budget, I'll accept :)
Then send me more details like poses/expressions/lighting/etc, and send me some references (minimum one, prefer as many as you can) of characters/items/clothes and let me know any details you want me to keep in mind like specific design details, any changes you want me to make, and what kind of character they are so I can catch their vibe. For anything hyper specific you want like angles, poses, expressions you want give refs, but if it's more general, no need; we can just work it out in text or thumbnails when planning.
If you wanna leave it up to me, just send me some refs of the character(s) and what they're like.
I'll give you your place on my list and when I'm ready for yours, then we get to the fun part.

Payment and How I Work

All prices in USD and through Ko-fi, in case you missed it. SO;
If it's set price, pay either full price or half up front and the second half after approving the sketch.
If it's $/h, you'll pay the set price up front. Then after the sketch, pay the full estimate so I can start the mockup, and when I'm done timing I'll charge for the rest of the time before handing it over.
I'll round to the nearest $3 because Ko-fi, and my timer will only start when I start mixing physical colours (so not including the mockup time).
During my work, I'll send you the sketch whether you pay full or half first, but I can also send you stuff from my planning phase to get your feedback and wips later on if you ask.
When I'm done, I'll send it to you via twitter or through Discord if you don't have it (because IG's photo quality is ass). And I will ask if I can post it, but let me know if you don't want me to because if you leave it up to me or don't answer I will.

(Just as a side note: from what I've seen, it will always be min 12h. For some of my longer stuff it's taken up to ~45 hours; but if it's physically smaller, has fewer details and base colours (even w my weird shade/highlights it's less to mix) it should be on the lower end. I doubt anything for a comm would go past 50h, it's just for reference, but do know acrylic always takes longer than ink.
For my more recent posts, if it's in either ink or acrylic, I have the painting time in the captions on ig :) ask me if you want some more info)

Now some actual prices!

[ With some slight updates, so if you remember them or are coming from the post on ig, it's a little different ]

[P.s. for B&W I can do lineart, lines + black fills, or with full grey tones; just ask if you specifically want either of the former two]

ALSO! Quick note: I can also do stuff in colour in flats for 25% off :)

If you're reading this: Hey Hi :] So cool of you to go through this and make it this far! I super appreciate it!
Just wanna add in here that if you did read this and you're new, if you wanna get something from me or ask some questions just add in a metal hand sign emoji somewhere in your message :)
(so I know I can somewhat trust you and not immediately be super skeptical lol)

[Hi! What can I do for you?]

What I Can - - - What I Wont

Ships/CouplesInappropriate ships
Gore & BloodDetailed, accurate gore
*Lewd/SuggestiveFull NSFW
*Partial furry/anthroMecha/Full armor

1. I never have a reason to so I don't have reference, but I think drawing messed up expressions especially like that is super fun; so I'd love to take your requests if you have any ideas ;)
2. I don't have much experience with furry art, but if you have something you really want from me and/or you've seen me do something similar in the past, let me know!

Unimportant, but it's an option:

In case you want one from me but don't know what to get, here's some ideas of stuff I really like to draw :D (and honestly I'd seriously love an excuse to do a lot of this stuff lol)
Intense expressions; Action poses and lines; Detailed/interesting characters and outfits + flowy items; Teethy Chew™ (iykyk); Gore is fantastic; Blood, tears, spit, sweat, the whole deal lol; Interesting lighting situations, but I LOVE neon; Also love clean lines and black fills so B&W ink is just always a win; And if you ever see me mention something I like, particularly anime and video games but anything goes, that you also like I'd totally love a reason to make fanart for stuff :)
And if for whatever reason you have an idea of something you'd want to see my interpretation/take on--like give me a description of an existing character (yours or general) or give me a thing to turn into one--I'd probably be down for that. But it might be more expensive because you know I'm gonna be extra about it O7 :)

If for any reason I don't think I can or I don't want to take a particular request, I can and will reject it, and obviously just don't ask if you already know I won't take it.Otherwise, anything you want that you don't see or you're not sure about, absolutely feel free to ask!

"BTW, will you be selling your physical pieces?"

In case you were wondering, the basic answer is: maybe, but not yet.
If I were to I'd need a PO box and supplies n such, and I can't do that at the moment. I am considering it, but honestly I'm not too keen on the idea. If I did, they'd definitely be priced much higher, but if someone's willing to pay, I might just offer it up. Who knows.
So, for now, I'm not offering and if that's what you're looking for then sorry I can't be of help O7
But I'll update this and make an announcement if that ever changes :)